Thursday, April 9, 2020

Winter Snow and what the heck are Ice Pellets 2

Winter in the Flathead Valley is pretty awesome as well. We had a few low temperatures allowing me to finally try a Photography project that I had been trying to complete forever..

The Ice Bubble. What is an Ice Bubble? It is a soap bubble that freezes if the air temp gets low enough. The problem with that is that it takes almost perfect conditions. The wind has to be nonexistent and the temp has to be low enough (less than 15 degrees) to freeze a fragile soap bubble as sharp ice crystals form in the structure. As my wife can attest there was lots of swearing and frozen fingers along the way. I was able to find perfect conditions only twice this year but look forward to trying again!!
Crystal Ice Bubble

As the snow fell sometimes in the mornings the wind would blow and the sun would come out and snow would fall from the trees like diamond crystals.

Diamond Crystals falling from the sky
All the tourists had gone and our neighborhood was silent except for the sounds of wildlife looking and sometimes begging for food. The lower valley was frozen but beautiful.
Lower valley Barn
Drives around the area became a winter wonderland and sometimes we thought we were in another country
Highway 2 East
Winter was magical and we will see what the promise of Spring brings!!
Hoar frost along the Flathead Mountains.....Home!

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